Holiday Music Theory Lesson

Two courses are offered:
Beginner Theory Course: Grade 1 to Grade 3
Elementary Theory Course: Grade 4 to Grade 5

➤ Summary Theory Cheat Sheet from Grade 1 to 5
➤ In line with the ABRSM Theory syllabus
➤ Fast Track Approach to prepare for ABRSM Theory Grade 5
➤ Pace of the Theory Course tailored to suit your needs
➤ Structured Program with Lesson Plans
➤ Targeted Results
Elaine Khong Violin Studio
Beginner Theory Lesson (ABRSM Grade 1 to 3)
Course Duration: 12 Weeks (1hr 30mins per lesson)
Lesson Plan & Topics | |
1 | Note Values and Rhythm Semibreve, Minum, Crotchet, Quaver, Semiquaver, Demisemiquaver, Triplets and their equivalent Rests |
2 | Time Signatures 2.1)Simple Time 2.2) Compound Time 2.3)Bar Lines and Groupings within Simple and Compound Time |
3 | Clefs & Ledger Lines 3.1)Notes in Treble Clef 3.2)Notes in Bass Clef 3.3)Extension of staff beyond two ledger lines |
4 | Pitch 4.1)Accidentals 4.2)Semitones & Tones |
5 | Scales and Key Signatures 4.1)Major & Minor keys up to and including four sharps & flats 4.2)Harmonic & Melodic Minor Keys |
6 | Intervals 6.1) Major & Minor Intervals |
7 | Tonic Triads 7.1) Root Position 7.2) 1st, 3rd & 5th Degree of the Scale 7.3) Intervals above theTonic |
8 | Terms & Signs 8.1) Dynamics 8.2) Tempo 8.3) Articulation 8.4) Performance Direction |
9 | Music in Context 9.1) To answer questions about a passage concerning musical elements |
10 | Practice Exam Papers |
Elaine Khong Violin Studio
Advanced Theory Lesson (ABRSM Grade 4 to 5)
Prerequisite: ABRSM Grade 3
Course Duration: 12 Weeks (1hr 45mins per lesson)
Lesson Plan & Topics | |
1 | Note Values and Rhythm 1.1) The breve and its rests 1.2) Double-dotted notes and rests 1.3) Duplets |
2 | Irregular Time Signatures 2.1)Grouping of Notes & rests within irregular times 2.2)Irregular divisions of simple time values 2.2)Duple, Triple & Quadruple Time Signatures |
3 | The Staves 3.1)Notes in Alto Clef 3.2)Notes in Tenor Clef 3.3)Identification of notes in Treble, Bass, Alto & Tenor Clef |
4 | Transposition 4.1) Transposition at the octave from any clef to another 4.2) Transposition (up or down) to a concert pitch for instrument in B flat, A or F and vice versa |
5 | Scales and Key Signatures 4.1)Major & Minor keys up to and including four sharps & flats 4.2)Harmonic & Melodic Minor Keys |
6 | Intervals 6.1) Major,Minor,Diminished, Augmented Intervals 6.2) Compound Intervals |
7 | Chords and Tonic Triads 7.1) Root Position, 1st Inversion, 2nd Inversion 7.2) Tonic, Supertonic, Subdominant & Dominant Chords in any Major or Minor Key |
8 | Cadences 8.1) Perfect, Plagal & Imperfect Cadences 8.2) Choice of chords at cadential points in Major Key of C, G, D or F |
9 | Ornaments 9.1) Recognition of ornaments 9.2) Replacement of written-out ornaments 9.3) Trills, Mordent,Turn, Appoggiatura, Acciaccatura |
10 | Orchestra Families 10.1) Strings, Brass,Woodwind, Percussion Families 10.2) Standard Orchestral Instruments and their properties |
11 | Terms & Signs 8.1) Dynamics 8.2) Tempo 8.3) Articulation 8.4) Performance Direction 8.5) Italian, French & German musical terms |
12 | Music in Context 9.1) To answer questions about a passage concerning musical elements 9.2) Application of theoretical knowledge to actual music |
13 | Practice Exam Papers |